Monday, March 16, 2015

GONZO #1 - The Premiere of Jeremy Gilley's Podcast

ROCKWIRED has it's own twist on that old saying about teaching a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. For us they saying goes "Give a punk kid some space on your website and he starts to think he's HUNTER S. THOMPSON". ROCKWIRED contributor JEREMY GILLEY had the nerve to think that he was rock journalist material  and that nerve has driven him to profiling such bands and artists as THE DARKNESS, HENRY ROLLINS, CITY OF THE WEAK,  FOXY SHAZAM and others.  He has also become a stringer for ROCKWIRED at live shows with reviews that he thinks put him inthe same fucking league as LESTER BANGS (I doubt he even knows who the guy is) and jumping onstage with the headlining act with a mic in hand  just because ROLLING STONE doesn't have the balls to  do the exact same thing.  Now, he's dowloaded some AUDACITY software and has come up with his first ever podcast. We at ROCKWIRED have a feeling that we are going to regret this but damn it's gonna be fun.  


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